Project Seagrass Fragment Planting Walks: Priory Bay

Priory Bay St Helen’s Duver Long Stay Carpark

Our partners, Project Seagrass, will be restoring 3ha of seagrass as part of the Solent Seascape Project. For this to be a success we need the support of the local community. One of the planting methods we will be using is replanting dislodged seagrass fragments, and that's where you come in! During the winter storm


Solent Seascape Project Winter Talk: Bird Aware Solent


Discover more about the over-wintering bird populations of our region with Bird Aware Solent. For the final talk in the series, rangers from Bird Aware Solent will tell us all about the Solent's amazing overwintering bird populations that migrate here every year. Learn about some fascinating local bird species and what we can do to
